Master's in Veterinary Biomedical Science

M.S. in Veterinary Biomedical Science

Be the top-level scientist or administrator your company needs.

The 30-credit hour M.S. in Veterinary Biomedical Science program prepares early-career students to become top-level scientists and administrators in the animal health industry through in-depth knowledge about animal physiology, diseases and their relevance to human health.

You can earn two certificates with your master's degree.

Join us on Zoom at noon (CST) on Wednesday, June 25, for a 30-minute, in-depth look at this master's degree program. Questions welcome.
$462.96 per credit hour*
30 credit hours
Thesis, non-thesis and report options
Two certificate options

*This estimate is for illustrative purposes only. This number is for in-person courses at the K-State Olathe campus and does not include any course, department or college fees; online fees; and also my vary depending on your transfer hours, course choices and your academic progress.

Student with laptop.

If you're ready to become a student at K-State Olathe, complete the application documents in the link below. We're here if you have questions.

Success coach with student.

Connect with Brett, your student success coach for this program. He can answer your questions about the application process, classes, scholarships, careers and more.


Paige Adams

Paige Adams, Ph.D., D.V.M.
Olathe Program Lead

Brett Bachelor

Brett Bachelor
Student Success Coach
Email Brett

Schedule an appointment with Brett


Student Testimonial

Jennafer D.

"My passions have always been in science, research and animal health/science. I wanted a degree that would help me learn about all of the above and was in tune with the industry both here in KC and also in the Animal Health Corridor. This program seemed perfect and I believe that I gained what I was looking for."

— Jennafer D.

See what other students say about this master's program.

Contact Us

Brett Bachelor
Student Success Coach
Email Brett


Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CST