Professional Skills Workshop

Building and Understanding Emotional Intelligence: Generations and Timeless Leadership


Leaders possessing high emotional intelligence (EQ) recognize and understand their personal emotions and are primed to make enlightened and rational decisions. Studies show that EQ is the largest predictor of workplace performance and greatest driver of personal excellence and leadership. EQ enables leaders to connect with others, and to build strong and trusting relationships with their teams. Approaching challenging work situations, by applying EQ strategies, addresses how leaders can create mutual respect in the workplace and a more resilient organization.

Multigenerational leadership may manage across four or five generations. Recognizing and valuing differences and similarities, among generations helps avoid stereotypes and enhance the strength of the team. Timeless leadership recognizes each generation possesses unique experiences and knowledge. Fostering intergenerational thinking can lead to greater understanding of others, creative approaches and a thriving work environment.

Learning Outcomes

Emotional Intelligence (First Session)

  • Associate common elements of the Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Framework to leadership characteristics and attributes.
  • Understand and apply EQ strategies to enhance leadership and workplace performance.
  • Understand and analyze personal emotional responses under stress and challenging leadership situations.

Generations and Timeless Leadership (Second Session)

  • Understand common elements of generational differences and commonalities.
  • Apply and analyze leadership strategies across generational cohorts, to enhance personal leadership and workplace performance.


Margie Banach

Margie Banach, M.S. Ed.
Executive Leadership Advisor and Educator


Contact Us

Professional Development Manager
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST