Industry Mentor Program

The Industry Mentor Program provides students with the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals working in STEM fields. The program is designed for graduate students to further develop their professional skills, network and increase their awareness of career opportunities.


For Students

Whether you are a full-time student, just starting out, or are a mid-career professional, mentoring can reap huge benefits in expanding your growth potential.

Industry mentors are professionals who partner with K-State Olathe and volunteer their time to work with graduate students. Some of the ways a mentor can help are:

  • Map the next steps in your career
  • Identify job opportunities
  • Work with you on interpersonal skills and professional communication
  • Provide perspective on industry trends
  • Review your resume and/or CV
  • Practice interviewing

What to expect

Pairs are encouraged to connect at least once per month for a period of one year. Meetings should be scheduled based on what works best for you and your mentor (in person, phone, video conference, etc.).


Once your application is submitted, we will work to identify a mentor who matches your interests and goals. You will be contacted via email to confirm your match. Please allow up to 30 days after receipt of your application to be contacted regarding a match.

Apply now


For Mentors

Mentors have the rewarding experience of guiding a young professional along their career journey. They gain a better understanding of the students who will shape the future workforce; their interests, skill sets and questions.

Some of the ways mentors help their student are:

  • Map the next steps in their career
  • Identify job opportunities
  • Work on improving interpersonal skills and professional communication
  • Provide perspective on industry trends
  • Review resume and CV
  • Practice interviewing

What to expect

Pairs are encouraged to connect at least once per month for a period of one year. Meetings should be scheduled based on what works best for you and your student (in person, phone, video conference, etc.).

Sign up today

Indicate your interest in being a mentor by sending an email to our student services team at We will work to pair you with a student based on mutual interests.

Contact Us

Student Services
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST