Cats' Cupboard Cart

Welcome to the Cats' Cupboard Cart at K-State Olathe

The K-State Olathe Cats' Cupboard Cart provides access to no-cost nutritious and culturally appropriate food to promote health, well-being and academic success.

No income requirements are verified for your participation and all are welcome.

Located in the Student Success Center at K-State Olathe, the Cats' Cupboard Cart is available whenever the campus is open.

Who is eligible to use the Cats' Cupboard Cart?

All current KSU students and faculty/staff have immediate access to food items at no cost.

About the Cats' Cupboard Cart

The Cats' Cupboard Cart initiative is a collaborative effort among students, faculty, staff and community focused on promoting food security at K-State Olathe.

Want to get involved?

We thank you for wanting to help alleviate food insecurity for the K-State Olathe community. To help achieve these goals, you can participate in the following:


Contact Us

Student Services

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST