Jim E. Riviere
Distinguished Professor Emeritus and a Project Lead for 1Data
D.V.M., Ph.D. 1980 Purdue University
D. Sc. 2007 Purdue University
Research Interests
- Mathematical modeling of drug, chemical and nanomaterial disposition
- Global Aspects of Food and Drug Safety
- Comparative pharmacokinetics and prediction of drug residues in tissues of food producing animals
- Pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics of drug and xenobiotic percutaneous absorption and transdermal drug delivery
- Development of in vivo and in vitro animal models for skin pharmacology
- Develop QSAR models for assessing chemical mixture absorption
- Develop models to study absorption and disposition of nanomaterials
Selected Publications
Riviere JE: Comparative Pharmacokinetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications. 2nd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA. 2011.
Riviere JE,Papich M (eds): Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA . 2009.
Xia XX, Monteiro-Riviere NA, Riviere JE: An index for characterization of nanomaterials in biological systems. Nature Nanotechnology. 5: 671-675, 2010.
Xia XR, Monteiro-Riviere NA, Mathur S, Oldenberg S, Fadell B, Riviere JE. Mapping the surface adsorption forces of nanomaterials in biological systems using the biological surface adsorption index (BSAI) approach. ACS Nano 5: 9074-9081, 2011.
Samaras EG, Riviere JE, Ghafourian T: The effects of formulations and experimental conditions on in vitro human skin penetration – Data from updated EDETOX database. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 434: 280-291, 2012.
Sahneh FD, Scoglio C, Riviere JE: Dynamics of nanoparticle-protein corona complex. Analytical results from population balance equations. PlosOne. 8: e64690, 2013.
Riviere JE: Of mice, men and nanoparticle biocoronas: Are in vitro-in vivo correlations and interspecies extrapolations realistic? Nanomedicine. 8:1357-1359, 2013.
Buckley GJ, Riviere JE, Gostin LO: What to do about unsafe medicines? British Medical Journal 347: f5064, 2013.
Karadzovska D, Riviere JE: Assessing vehicle effects on skin absorption using artificial membrane assays. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 50: 569-576, 2013.
Carter SG, Zhu Z, Varodi G, Veves A, Riviere JE: Vasomodulation influences on the transdermal delivery of ibuprofen. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 102: 4072-4078, 2013.
Riviere JE, Scoglio C, Sahneh F, Monteiro-Riviere NA: Computational Approaches and Metrics Needed for Formulating Biologically Realistic Nanomaterial Pharmacokinetic Models. Computational Science Discovery. 6:014005, 2013.
Chittendon J, Brooks JD, Riviere JE: Development of a mixed-effect pharmacokinetic model for vehicle modulated in vitro transdermal flux of topically applied penetrants. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 103: 1002-1012, 2014.
Li M, Gehring R, Tell L, Baynes R, Huang Q, Riviere JE: Interspecies mixed effect pharmacokinetic modeling of penicillin G in cattle and swine. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy. doi:10.1128/AAC.02806-14, 2014.