Manreet Singh Bhullar

Assistant Professor
Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources

Manreet Singh Bhullar


Contact Info

Lab Website:


Bio Brief
Manreet Bhullar, Ph.D., comes from Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. He earned a B.S. degree (2013) in agricultural sciences from Punjab Agricultural University, India, a master's degree (2016) in Animal and Food Sciences from Tennessee State University, and later, a Ph.D. degree (2019) in Food Science and Technology from Iowa State University. His research program focuses on agricultural water testing and treatment to ensure Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule compliance, integrating UV light technologies in the fresh produce supply chain (pre- and post-harvest applications) to protect the safety and quality of fresh produce and evaluating the efficacy of novel interventions that could be potentially employed for improving microbial safety of fresh produce.

Bhullar is a food microbiologist and agricultural scientist focusing on enhancing fresh produce's microbial safety and reducing future foodborne outbreaks. His research lab at K-State Olathe emphasizes identifying various contamination routes in the food supply chain and developing interventions (antimicrobial and technological) to minimize risks, keep the food supply chain safe and protect public health.

For the latest research publications, please check the Google Scholar profile.


Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2019
M.S., Tennessee State University, 2016
B.S., Punjab Agricultural University, 2013

Research Areas

  • Produce safety
  • Ag Water testing and treatment
  • Non-thermal disinfection (UV light technologies)
  • Pre- and post-harvest risk assessment
  • Novel antimicrobial Interventions
  • Laser-etched labels (QR code)


Degree Program Affiliations


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