Postharvest Physiology Lab
The Postharvest Physiology Lab uses research, public education and outreach to support urban food production and postharvest handling in Greater Kansas City.
The Postharvest Physiology Lab is used by faculty and graduate students affiliated with K-State's urban food systems master's degree program and horticulture Ph.D. program. Lab members specialize in various aspects of fresh produces' postharvest physiology, including nutritional quality, shelf life, food safety, transport, propagation and growing methods.
The lab is located at the K-State Olathe campus. It is directed by Eleni Pliakoni, Ph.D., professor of urban food production and postharvest handling.
What is postharvest physiology?
Postharvest physiology involves the plant response to technologies and other applications that extend shelf life and quality and delay senescence (plant death).
As consumers continue to increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables, pressure to deliver high-quality produce with a longer shelf life is critical.
Some of the quality aspects that appeal to consumers include appearance, aroma, taste, color (sensory), reduced risk of foodborne pathogens or pesticide residues (food safety) and more dense nutrient or phytonutrient content.
Growers and shippers realized that keeping produce or flowers cold greatly extended the sales life and this stimulated much interest in exploring the causes of plant senescence at physiological, cellular and molecular levels.