Article Submission Guidelines

Resources for Authors

Article Types

OHNL will accept letters to the editors, reviews, reports or communications, book reviews, minutes from conferences or meetings. We also welcome original narrative pieces (e.g. essays, poems, drawings) which highlight One Health topics.


Manuscripts are directly submitted to the OHNL Editorial Board for review and editing. Editorial Board, and experts when needed, will work with authors through the editorial process.


MS Word file with a limit of 1,000 - 1,500 words. Use Times Roman 12-point type, 8 1⁄2 × 11-inch page setting, 1-inch margin, double spacing and English language.

Figures and Photographs (.tiff or .jpeg only), Tables (Microsoft Word only)

  • Each article should include at least two (2) accompanying documents (e.g. tables, figures, photographs).
  • Figures and photographs are submitted as a separate file.
  • Table appears in the manuscript text.
  • All have a title, legend and caption when needed.
  • Table(s) or figure(s) specific location in the text should be indicated as (Figure 1) or (Table 1).
  • Images should be a minimum of 600 pixels wide at 72 pixels per inch.

References and Style

Each article will include a maximum of eight references. The in-text citations, reference list and style should follow AMA format.


Special Notes

  • Articles must be complete with references and citations before they will be reviewed.
  • Articles requiring substantial editing will be returned to authors and may be considered for a future OHNL issue.
  • Authors take full responsibility for the content of their articles.
  • All external sources (text, illustration) need to be clearly cited andconfirm appropriate copyright permission when needed.
  • Open source graphics are accepted.
  • Authors understand and give permission that the OHNL may use the content, photographs, tables or figures as promotional materials with credit to the author.