Continuing Education Training Courses on Bulk Material Handling

Industry-focused short courses that upskill your workforce

The Advanced Manufacturing and Bulk Solids Technology Center provides industry-focused short courses designed to further industry and employee education. Topics include powder and bulk solids handling, storage and flow, conveying and material properties.

These short courses are popular because training for powder and bulk solids handling and conveying is not taught at most colleges and the courses provide a combination of theory along with practical demonstrations for hands-on learning.


Upcoming Short Courses

Several short courses are offered throughout the year on pneumatic conveying and material properties testing. Courses are coordinated by the professional development team at K-State Olathe.

See upcoming short courses


How are the Short Courses Formatted?

All courses include some classroom discussion along with a significant portion of time dedicated to demonstrations using full-scale equipment and systems to create hands-on learning. All courses are taught by experts with direct industry experience, so discussions and assistance with tough applications are part of the benefit.

In-person courses are hosted at K-State Olathe with lab demos at a local industry lab. Online courses use the same mix of robust theory and practical demonstrations, but are offered in a fully virtual environment.


Our Most Popular Courses

  • Basic and Advanced Pneumatic Conveying training
  • Storage and Gravity Flow of Bulk Solids training
  • Materials Properties — How to Test Material Characteristics and What To Do with the Results
  • Dust Safety and Hazard training
  • Dust Collection and Air Filtration training
  • Bulk Solids Handling and Conveying training
  • Powder and Bulk Solids Process training: Milling and Size Reduction, Mixing,
  • Sifting and Screening, Agglomeration, Weighing and Batching
  • Mechanical Conveying training

Our team also can work with your company to develop customized, on-site training solutions tailored to your company's needs.

Contact Us

Advanced Manufacturing and Bulk Solids Technology Center
22201 W. Innovation Drive
Olathe, KS 66061