Kitchen Space

Shared kitchen space for your small business needs

Running a small business isn't easy, but here at K-State Olathe, we want to help you turn your dream into a reality.

Our kitchens provide a launch pad for businesses that want affordability and low-risk. Our shared kitchen space provides safe food storage, grease removal, a dynamic food scene and an opportunity to network with fellow culinarians. Additionally, we boast a chef-grade state-of-the-art kitchen space with innovation to thrive.

$35/hr. rate
Brand consulting
Safety testing


Why K-State Olathe?

We know that when you're launching your business, time is money. That's why we provide flexible scheduling in our licensed facilities. Our kitchens are health-code compliant and offer a minimal capital investment. Here at K-State Olathe, you only pay for the time and space that you need. Our premium commercial kitchen space means that it requires less overhead capital with fewer risks so that you can launch your brand.

Become a client

Features offered to our tenants

If you want to upscale your products or launch your new business, we'd love to help make that happen. Our shared kitchen space provides everything you need to get started. We can help you take your business to the next level and support you every step of the way.


Your Ingredient To Success

Check out some of the success stories from our tenants.

Contact Us

Bryan Severns
Food Programs and Services Manager
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST