Stephen Burks

Stephen Burks

Stephen Burks is a professor of economics and management, and principal investigator of the Truckers and Turnover Project at the University of Minnesota Morris and has research associations with the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) and the Institute for Labor Economics (IZA), Bonn, Deutschland.

It was experiencing the economic deregulation of trucking as a professional driver that convinced him to become an economist. Research groups to which he has contributed have published in several leading scientific and medical journals (e.g., Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Management Science, Sleep, Accident Analysis and Prevention and Quarterly Journal of Economics) on topics related to the economics and safety of the trucking industry and on the truck driver labor market. Two of those teams received the 2019 annual CTS "Robert C. Johns Research Partnership Award" for work with Schneider National on sleep apnea and the 2023 "E. Grosvenor Plowman Award" for best paper at the annual research Symposium of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professions (CSCMP).

He currently serves on the TRB committee created by the infrastructure act on the “Impacts of Alternative Compensation Methods on Truck Driver Retention and Safety Performance.”



Session 5B: "University Research II"