Lee Jackson

Lee JacksonLee Jackson got involved with crash reconstruction in 1988 as a member of the Fort Worth Police Department. For over two decades he served in the Traffic Division where he investigated fatalities, injury and property damage crashes. He spent seven years in the Traffic Investigation Unit (TIU). In 1990, Jackson applied his expertise to a private-sector endeavor: Traffic Crash Reconstruction, Inc. In 2002, Jackson and a colleague were selected to start the Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Unit for the Fort Worth Police Department and were ultimately certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety to conduct DOT Level 1 inspections. Jackson retired from the Police Department in 2010 and has turned his attention to education, and consulting in crash investigation and reconstruction on a full-time basis. In 2012 Jackson won the first national ARAS 360 Forensic Animation Contest and has generated numerous animations used in the litigation process. Jackson has taught 5 different levels of crash investigation classes with more than 2,500 hours of classroom experience. Jackson has been a member of the Texas Association of Accident Reconstruction Association (TAARS) for over 35 years and is the current president of this statewide organization. In 2023 Jackson was appointed by the Secretary of Transportation to serve as a motor crash investigator on the Advisory Committee on Underride Protection or ACUP.



Session 6B: "Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Advocacy – Underride Crashes and Automatic Emergency Braking"