Jake Sanchez

Jake Sanchez

Jake Sanchez was hired as a peace officer in the state of California in February of 2001. Prior to being hired in California he spent four years in the United States Marine Corp as a military police officer from August 1995-August 1999. Sanchez has served his agency for most of his career in the San Diego Area. Sanchez has been a public information officer (PIO) in the San Diego Area since January of 2013. In 2013, Sanchez began working with TREDS helping develop the Just Drive program. That year anchez piloted the Just Drive program all over San Diego County to government and privately owned companies and corporations. Sanchez has continued his collaboration with TREDS throughout the years and assisted with the development of many other programs including the commercial version of Just Drive. In March of 2020, Sanchez was moved to a headquarters position where he assists new PIO’s for his department in all of Southern California. As a PIO, Sanchez handles several programs involving driver safety for teens, adults and older drivers.



Session 6A: "Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Work Zones"