Brenda M. Lantz

Brenda LantzDr. Brenda Lantz is the Associate Director of North Dakota State University's Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute as well as the Program Director for the Commercial Vehicle Safety Center at UGPTI. The Center serves as a point of contact for universities, law enforcement, and other agencies seeking assistance to establish partnerships to improve commercial vehicle safety in the U.S. Western region. Staff with the Center also conduct safety-related research and analysis.

Brenda holds a Master’s degree in Statistics from North Dakota State University, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration, Supply Chain and Information Systems, from the Pennsylvania State University. She has more than 30 years of experience in transportation research, primarily in the commercial vehicle safety field, and has worked extensively with both government and private industry agencies.

Brenda has a joint appointment as a Senior Research Fellow with the National Center for Intermodal Transportation at the University of Denver and is based in the Denver area.



4A Session: "CMV Statistics and On-Going Programs"